Hawks and Owls String Band
. Please Note --> This is a Past Event!! .

Date: 1/25/2016
Time: 6:00 PM TO 7:30 PM

316 W Webster
Muskegon, MI 49440


Event Description: 6:00 pm, Monday, January 25: Listening Room-Hawks and Owls Hawks and Owls String Band has been delighting audiences around West Michigan since 1997. Bruce Ling leader of Hawks and Owls and one of Michigan's finest musical treasures, is a River-side mystic, eloquent storyteller and passionate caretaker of America's collection of traditional music. With stage performances that combine the expressive style of Garrison Keillor or Will Rogers, he paints musical portraits celebrating the colorful history of rural America with a broad repertoire of both original and time-savored traditional folk songs. As a collector of tunes, and songs, Bruce understands the importance of keeping the history of this timeless musical genre alive and well. He shares his keen knowledge with caring and passion, and his inspiration has propelled a legion of young musicians to continue playing these songs...a true testament to Ling's talents as a teacher and mentor. Brought to you through the generosity of the Friends of Hackley Library.

Hackley Public Library, corner of 3rd and Webster

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